Monday, April 18, 2016

University Teaching vs. High School Teaching

It has been an extremely busy time for me as of late because of the change in job.  Though I am working less hours than I was at my old school, I have more responsibility and things to do than I used to.

When I was teaching at a public high school, I really only had to lesson plan and go to classes to teach.  In addition to teaching, I administered two speaking exams per semester for all of my classes and had a conversation class during lunch twice a week.  When I first got to the school, lesson planning was super difficult and took a lot of my time.  I had no idea where to start or what to do but I eventually got into a flow and never looked back.  Things were good.

However, I am back at the start now.  I have to create my own lessons and teach.  In addition, I have to create tests, grade, and start from scratch on everything.  For the past two-ish months I feel like I have been playing catch up, but I finally feel like I am comfortable with everything again and got my groove back for teaching.

For me, there is not a big difference in teaching university students and high school students.  The only difference is I am completely in charge of my classes and the direction they go in, and I get paid twice as much for less work.  In the end, my move up to university was difficult but not a bad experience.  Still working on things but eventually I will be back to the way I was.

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